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Read Many Books
Read Many Books

Read Many Books

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
Portrait Of A Thief
Portrait Of A Thief

Portrait Of A Thief

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
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The Ride
The Ride

The Ride

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $39.00.
A Storytelling Workbook
A Storytelling Workbook

A Storytelling Workbook

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
Embrace The Wild
Embrace The Wild

Embrace The Wild

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
How Innovation Works
How Innovation Works

How Innovation Works

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
Anual Report
Anual Report

Anual Report

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
Fun Cartoon Animals
Fun Cartoon Animals

Fun Cartoon Animals

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $39.00.

አልተዘዋወረችም Altezewawerechim

  ፍቅር ሁሉ ፍቅር አይደለም። በደፈናው አፈቀርን ወይም ተፈቀርን እንበል እንጅ ሰዎች ምናችንን በምን ምክንያት እንደወደዱልን በእርግጠኝነት መናገር የሚቻል ነገር አይደለም። ሰዎች ከማንነት በላይ ለአካላዊ ውበት በፍቅር ሊወድቁ ይችላሉ፤ ምናልባትም ይህ ለራሳቸውም አይገባቸውም ይሆናል። ከነጭራሹ «ወደድናችሁ» ያሉን ሰዎች እንደወደዱን ማረጋገጫችንስ ምንድነው ? ትዳር ? ስጦታ? ቃልኪዳን? ለእኛ የሚከፍሉት መስዋዕትነት? በመኖር ብቻ የሚመለስ ጥያቄ ሳይሆን አይቀርም። በዚህ መፅሐፍ ከነመኖራቸው ትዝ የማይሉን ጥቃቅን ስሜቶች ስንጥቃቸው እየሰፋ ሕይዎትን ለከባድ ምስቅልቅል ሲዳርጉ እናያለን። «ምናለበት» ተብለው ችላ የተባሉ እንደውም እንደበጎ ነገር የሚታዩ ጉዳዮች በጥልቀት ሲቃኙ ያላቸውን አደገኛ ስር እንመለከታለን። በሕይዎት ውስጥ « ቁጭ ብለን የሰቀልነውን ቁመን ማውረድ ሲያቅተን» ሌሎች ድሎት ያሉት ነገር ለሌላው መከራ ሲሆኑ ፣ እንታዘባለን። ፅናት፣ ፍቅር ፣ ስደት ፣ናፍቆት ፣ዓላማ ፣ ሐዘን ፣ደስታ ፣ በውብ ትረካ ተሰድረው እናገኛቸዋለን። እንደቀላል የልጅነት ሁዳዳችን ላይ የተጣለች ቅንጣት የቃል ዘር በኋለኛው ዘመናችን ዛፍ ሁና ጥላዋን በአኗኗራችን ላይ ስታጠላ እንታዘባለን። በመጨረሻም መፅሐፉን ስንከድን የራሳችንን ሕይወት ከፍተን መመልከት እንጀምራለን። 
Yebirhan Felegoch Alemayehu Gelagay addisbooks

የብርሃን ፈለጎች Yebirhan Felegoch

ማጀቱን ቸል ብሎ የሰፈሩን መንገዶች ለማሰስ የደፈረ ሕጻን፣ ጎርምስና ሲያጣድፈው ጣፋጭና ጎምዛዛ ሕይወት እየዛቀ ሲበትን፣ ሳያውቀው የብይትውርናን በር ያንኳኳል፡፡ በብርሃን ፈለጎች ብርሃን የተነፈጉና ጭላንጭሉ ያጓጓቸው ገጸ ባህሪያት ተመልምለዋል፡፡ ጥቂት ናቸው፤ በለጋ እድሜያቸው የኑዛዜ ዕቃ ተረካቢ ይመስል የሕይወትን ጓዳ የሚበረብሩ፣ ዓለማየሁ ገላጋይ በግንብ ተከልለው ለሚነቅዙት ሳይሆን በየሜዳው ኳስና ኑሮን ለሚጠልዙት ነው ያደላው፡፡ በአጥቢያቅበላና፣ ኩርቢት ኮስታራ ጭብጦችን የፈለቀቀው ደራሲ በየብርሃን ፈለጎች ለትልቅ ጉዳይ ሳይሆን ከውስጣዊ ጉዞ በመዝመት ልቦናን፣ ዕምነትን በቅኔያዊ ቋንቋ አወርዝቶ፣ ለፍቅር፣ ለድልና ሽንፈት ያቃስታል፡፡