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Addis Books

Addis Books

Amharic for foreigners by Amlaku
Amharic for foreigners by Amlaku Eshetie

Amharic For Foreigners and the Ethiopian Diaspora

Amharic For Foreigners and the Ethiopian Diaspora: Beginner to Intermediate [Print Replica] Kindle Edition

Wanna learn Amharic? This book helps you learn the Amharic language from the very beginning to an intermediate level. It teaches you the alphabet, the punctuation marks, the pronunciation, the grammar, the vocabulary that are basically required to communicate for transportation, shopping, dining at restaurants, and visit Ethiopia and enjoy its diverse cultures!
Befikir Menged በፍቅር መንገድ by Alemayehu Gebrehiwot

Befikir Menged በፍቅር መንገድ

The writer of Befiker Menged, Alemayehu Gebrehiwot, is also a playwright and published poet. He has written and translated a number of plays for radio, television and stage of which many of them, including two children plays, were presented to the Ethiopian public. Three major works to mention are his Amharic translations of Oscar Wilde’s Lady Windermere’s Fan (Setota), Tewfiq al Hakim’s The Sultan’s Dilemma (Menta Menged) and Arthur Miller’s family drama Death of a Salesman (Yeabawora Guzo). The former was staged at the Hager Fiker Theatre while the other two staged at the Ethiopian National Theatre. The production of Yeabawora Guzo was supported with a grant from the US Department of State and the play was also staged in Bahir Dar, Gondar, Jimma and Hawassa for college students and the general public.
Ye Gordian Knot (quatero) Berihun Adane
Ye Gordian Knot (quatero)

Ye Gordian Knot (quatero)

Ye Gordian Knot (quatero) by Berihun Adane እንደሕዝብ ላለፉት 50 ዓመታት ያጋጠመንን የተወሳሰበ "የጎርዲያን ቋጠሮ ለመፍታት ያልተሄደበት መንገድ እና ያልተሞከረ ሙከራ የለም። አንዱ ውል ሲገኝ ሌላው እየጠፋ ወይም ሌላ ቋጠሮ እየተፈጠረ ከመከራ ወደ መከራ ከመባከን ውጪ ምንም ዓይነት የተስፋ ጭላንጭል አልታየም። _ በመሆኑም በሪሁን እንደገለጸው መፍትሔው ውል አልባውን ውል ከመፈለግ ገመዱን መበጠስ ነው᎓᎓
My Name Means His God A Journey of A Lucky Country Boy

My Name Means His God: A Journey of A Lucky Country Boy

"This book walks you through two developmental trajectories that took Amlaku to success in two different worlds: Africa and the United States. Surmounting challenges and being successful through childhood, adolescence, youth, and adulthood, sacrifices paid for family and the future of children, hard work, enthusiasm, hope and success are the ingredients of this book. I can guarantee that you will find the stories compelling and that you will benefit from reading this memoir of the lucky Amlaku" Blurb by Professor Yehualashet. The book has three parts, twenty four chapters and 274 pages.