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This book contains the gematria of the Geez alphabet. There are 26 letters of Geez and each letter has a number that it represents and can reach up to 800. This 888 book uncovers the spiritual and scientific codes hidden in the Geez alphabet through Geez gematria. The author of the book is Dr Rodas Tadese Abebe and he has published 25 research books. አንባብያን 888 የሚለውን ርእሱን በሚያዩበት ጊዜ ምን ይኾን? ለምን ይኽነን ርእስ መረጠው? ሳይሉ እንደማይቀሩ እገምታለኍ፡፡ ይኸውም ከ6 ዓመታት በፊት ላይ "ቀመር 888 እና መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ" በሚል ርእስ "888" ከወሩ፣ ከቀኑ፣ ከዓመቱ ጋር መገጣጠሙን በማሰብ በ2008 ዓ.ም. በቀን 8 በ8ተኛ ወር ላይ በፌስቡክ ላይ ዘርዘር አድርጌ በመጻፍ ለአንባብያን አንድ ጽሑፍ አጋራኊ፡፡ ያነንም ጽሑፍ ብዙዎች በጊዜው አንብበውት ነበር፡፡ የሚገርመው ነገር ከ6 ዓመታት በኋላ በ2014 ዓ.ም. ልክ ያነን ጽሑፍ በለቀኩበት ዕለት በ8ኛው ወር በሚያዝያ፣ በ8ተኛው ቀን፣ በ8ኛው ሰዓት ላይ 24ተኛው መጽሐፌ "ማዛሮት" በድምቀት ተመረቀ፡፡ በዚያ የመጽሐፍ ምረቃት መርሐ ግብር ላይ ኾኜ ይኽነን ግጥጥሞሽ ችላ ብዬ አልተመለከትኩትም፡፡ ይልቁኑ እንደ ትልቅ ምልክት በማሰብ በዚያው መጽሐፌ በሚመረቅበት ዕለት ይኽነን የ888 ምስጢርን፣ ይልቁኑ በግእዝ ፊደላት ውስጥ ያሉትን አቅማራትን፣ ምድራዊና ሰማያዊ ምስጢር ለአንባብያን አዘጋጅቼ ለማቅረብ ለራሴ ቃል ገባኊ፡፡ የወርቅ ዘንግ መጽሐፍን ለአንባብያን ያበቃው በቀመር 7 ላይ ምርምር የሚያደርገው መምህር መስፍን ሰሎሞንም ይኽነን ዕውቀት በልቤ ይዤው እንዳልቀር ይልቁኑ ለትውልድ በጽሑፍ እንዳስተላልፈው አብዝቶ ይጠይቀኝ ስለነበር እንድጽፈው አንዱ ምክንያት ስለኾነኝ በዚኹ አጋጣሚ አመሰግናለኊ፡፡ የትምህርት ታላቁ ግብ አስቀድሞ ራስን ማወቅ ከዚያም በዕውቀት፣ በጥበብ ብርሃንነት ሐሰትን ከእውነት፣ ብርሃንን ከጨለማ መለየት፣ ሀገርን በቅንነት፣ በእውነተኛነት ማገልገል እንጂ በአንድ የማሠልጠኛ ተቋም ውስጥ ገብቶ የመመረቂያ ልብስ ለብሶ፣ የምስክር ወረቀት መቀበል ብቻ አይደለም፡፡ በመኾኑም የኹላችኹም የኢትዮጵያውያን ሀብት የኾነው ይኽነን ፊደል ለብዙ ሺሕ ዘመን የያዘውን ታላቅ ጥበብና ሰማያዊ ምስጢርን በዕውቀት፣ በማስተዋል መረዳት ስትዠምሩ ያን ጊዜ ፊደላችኹን መውደድ፣ ማክበር፣ መጠበቅ ትዠምራላችኊ፡፡ በዚኹ አጋጣሚ ፊደላችን የያዘውን ታላቅ ምስጢር ዐውቀው በምቀኝነት ለማጥፋት ከሚተጉ ከክፋት ሰራዊት፤ ዳግመኛም አለማወቅ ድቅድቅ ጨለማ ነውና ሳያውቁትም በሞኝነት ፊደላቱን ለማጥፋት ከአጥፊዎች ጋር ከሚተባበሩ ጠብቃችኊ ለመጪው ትውልድ የተቀበላችኹትን አደራ እንድታሸጋግሩት ወደ እውነተኛው የጥበብ ብርሃን እንድትደርሱበት ሐሳቤ ነው፡፡
A Novel Idea
A Novel Idea

A Novel Idea

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
A Storytelling Workbook
A Storytelling Workbook

A Storytelling Workbook

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
Anual Report
Anual Report

Anual Report

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
Awesome Book
Awesome Book

Awesome Book

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $39.00.
Born To Read
A Novel Idea

Born To Read

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
Dear Justyce
Dear Justyce

Dear Justyce

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $39.00.
Embrace The Wild
Embrace The Wild

Embrace The Wild

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
Food For The Brain
Food For The Brain

Food For The Brain

Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.
Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $19.00.